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Connect with your emotions and improve your partner and interpersonal relationships through Tango 

We all want to be well again

Dance your life 

Conscious Tango Method 


Live an experience of personal growth and relationship with your body through tango. 


We are Laura and David creators of theConscious Tango Methodthat seeks to connect your emotions and heal your personal relationships through Tango.

What will you get?

You will live an experience of personal transformation through Tango while you connect with your emotions, we will identify disempowering beliefs in you to heal them through the rhythm of Tango and its basic steps such as the hug and the walk that will allow us to configure new beliefs and empowering emotions to improve your personal relationships, as a couple and especially with yourself. 

When you identify relationship blocks with your environment, you end up dancing with your friends, your work, your finances.  

Laura Marin isNational Tango Championand he has been dancing it for more than15 years, is a Social Communicator and Master in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and the combination of these 3 expertise has led her to create theConscious Tango Method.

Face-to-face and virtual classes in Spanish, English or French. 

Tel:+57 322 762 13 75 /

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Find us also at Airbnbexperiences. We are part of the community. 

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